(This appears in the back of the book, but it’s worth repeating.)

To say writing fiction has been a challenge diminishes the meaning of the word “challenge.” This book could have been called Orientation for the characters, the reader’s journey, and for me as a storyteller. I live in my own bubble, but nothing happens in a vacuum. I could not have begun, continued, or completed this story without the help of many people.

Special Thanks To….

So many inspiring, supportive people entered my orbit.

So many inspiring, supportive people entered my orbit.

Mariah S,

The beautiful cover you created inspired me to weave it into the epilogue. Thank you for taking a bunch of random information and turning it into a wonderful work of art.

James M,

Everyone needs an editor and I certainly needed you. You went above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you. (If you’re a reader and you find a mistake, don’t blame James. I probably missed a piece of his good advice or stubbornly chose to leave it technically incorrect.)


Thank you for “it’s a different day and that’s ok.” That phrase got us through some tough times. I’m happy to have it in this book.

Amy T,

The first non-family member to read the book: Your enthusiasm and excitement gave me the courage to keep going. The book might not have ever been released “into the wild’ without you. 

the SPP/Story Studio podcasters: Johnny, Sean, and David.

Your nonfiction inspired me to take one step outside my comfort zone. Terrifying and yet one of the best choices I’ve made in my life. You facilitated an introduction to some of the best friends I’ve ever had. Through your efforts, I connected with my tribe of fellow creative weirdos. Those gatherings were perfect examples of how grace and inclusion can be life changing.

Dave, since this story lacks a wedding scene, you’ll never start reading it, much less finish it. I’m not sure how the president of our Eeyore club became an excellent encourager, but you did. They say friendships aren’t always 50-50 in terms of effort. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting on several occasions.

To my friends on fitbit:

Without our workweek hustles, I’d be rusted to my laptop and weigh 500 lbs. You fit folks are hard to beat, but easy to love.

Thank you to those who try to help me balance.

Thank you to those who try to help me balance.

Danny C,

Thanks for embracing my family. You set a great example of how people should treat each other. Every time I forget, you help me remember my value. 


You had to tell us that we could be a force for positive change multiple times, but it finally sank in. Thanks!


My friend since the 1900s and my expert on all things swirlism: You were the second person outside our home to read this story. And you finished it! “They” say your friends and family won’t read your book. Thanks for proving “them” wrong. Your encouragement and friendship has been priceless.

Other Megan,

How can someone who is my ally in over-analyzing everything also make me giddy with laughter? That must be some of your Snow Queen magic. You may live in a chilly place, but you have one of the warmest hearts I’ve ever encountered. Thanks for letting me hang out in there. So cozy.

Jami and Sara,

My locally-sourced, fellow TexMex enthusiasts: You’ve been so much more than “writer friends.” There’s no way to list all the ways you’ve helped me. Thanks for taking my life from approximately 5.5 to a 9. My world is much better with you in it.

To my family of origin,

Thanks for all of my quirky DNA and telling me I’m capable of doing anything. That’s not true, (mixing numbers & letters together and calling it math- pssht) but it’s an inspiring fib.


Thanks for making me feel like I’m one of your own and always being so supportive. The way you embrace people… well, now I know how your kids grew up to be so confident.

Megan Cupcake,

My fellow word nerd: You are a breath of fresh air when I’m a little too confined. Thank you for expressing interest in the story. Knowing that a young person might want to read it, helped push me forward on the days I didn’t feel like writing. No pressure but you give me hope for the future of humanity. (just by being yourself and doing your thing) ha!


Sharing this trip through the world with your unique spirit has been a whimsical journey. I’m tired but I’m happy. Never forget: You are exactly the way I’d ever wish for you to be. Without you, this book would have never been written. Thanks for the joy, laughter, and tears. I dedicate my laugh lines and the trench between my eyebrows to you, sir.

Insiders: change is slow, but your time has come.

Insiders: change is slow, but your time has come.

To my partner in all things,

Thank you for being my biggest fan and my best cheerleader. You valued my voice and convinced me that I had something to say. It might be a whisper or a scream, but I made a sound thanks to your unwavering support. Thanks for loving me more than I can understand.

To fellow parents of kids with disabilities,

I know I didn’t describe your child. I didn’t paint an accurate picture of your reality. But I thank you for your grace, patience, and support. The spectrum is vast and wide. There will be more stories to come. 

To the people living all along the spectrum:

Thank you for teaching me about life. You opened a window and let me see a different way to experience every single thing. I’d be honored to hold the door for you as we step into a more compassionate world.