Everyone wants a friend.

We’ve experienced the Best Buddies program at the high school level. Two words: life changing. It’s increased my son’s sense of confidence and security in the chaotic school environment. It’s early days for the program at our campus, but we look forward to growing with the program. It’s not perfect, but it’s a fantastic step forward.

Music offers opportunities to connect.

This is another new program for our campus that works toward inclusion. Students who participate in band mentor students who may not have joined band classes before (due to various complications within special education) learn to play instruments as a group. A Cooperative band might be a good way to phrase it. This is excellent for those who have no musical experience, or someone like my guy who can rock the drums. For my son, it gives him an opportunity to work as part of a team. And, in his case, he had to learn a new percussion instrument as a challenge. Every kid should have the chance to shine. EVERY. KID.

An accessible theme park.

If you’re in Texas or you have a chance to visit the San Antonio area, check out this place. It’s a great spot for children to explore and have fun.

Being comfortable in the world. Feeling a part of things. Interacting with others in meaningful ways. These shouldn’t be rare moments in a person’s life. Hopefully I will be introduced to other inclusive options and this list will grow. If you have a suggestion, send me some Email and maybe it will make the list of orange links.