And so it begins

The hardcover is officially available.
How surreal.
I’m sitting in a place that’s very quiet and still. I need it in order to process all of these feelings. I admit that taking slow breaths feels a little indulgent. There’s so much to do. But this moment, this experience of first time only happens once. I want to be fully present for it. Even if all I can manage is 5 minutes.

*Inhale *

Just on the other side of fear is excitement and a huge smile.
And the realization that some of my imaginary people are going out into the world.

As far as I can tell, this creative process is a series of taking risks and letting go. Neither of those are easy for me. But, just outside my comfort zone, (ya know, beyond the nausea) there may be growth.

Take care of my imaginary friends and each other.

- E.M.

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